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Voice Memo: Group Dynamics at All Tapestry Event

On December 15, 2018, I attended my first All Tapestry event with a solid orientation toward inquiry. Afterward, I recorded a voice memo about a relational dynamic I noticed. I have edited the recording above for length, some verbal ticks and false starts, and de-identification.

Annotated Transcript:

I noticed at the Christmas party today that what’s so beautiful about their model for getting the young people good mentoring on a week by week basis is that they have these teams of adults.

And what I noticed tonight was—today—was that at a group event that seems to be a little more complicated because the adult to young person ratio is really high. And I think there is sometimes some sort of ambiguity about who should be responding to people.

In particular I noticed that the adults got talking to each other and weren’t always paying the most attention to the young people. And they’re with these people every week, so obviously that’s a big difference compared to me just sort of swooping in for the day and seeing this.

But I guess I’m not incredibly surprised maybe that they’re moving away from the All [Tapestry] events. Kind of makes sense to me that … there’s something about that model that is challenging and … I don’t know, it’ll be interesting to think about that more.

Sound clip credit: “scissors” by lighteningjimmy88 via (CC 0)

Image credit: “Cookie Decorating Party” by Hey Paul Studios via Flickr (CC BY 2.0). For illustration only—not a research artifact.