Instagram post from Tapestry volunteer training

Chapter 2: Space Is a Social Practice

Objective: Advance the overall account; briefly introduce Team Z; offer a narrative answer to Research Question 1 (“The Community”); set up, develop, and explore the idea of “faith-adjacent” space.

Preliminary Draft Completed: July 8, 2021

Rough Cut Assembled: January 2, 2022

Table of Contents:

00:00 | Cold Open: Non-Retail Non-Therapy | p. 28

07:03 | Act 1: Community By Design | p. 31

19:39 | Break 1: Doreen Massey | p. 37

25:53 | Act 2: Gratitude on Behalf of Whomever | p. 39

40:25 | Break 2: Carla Roland Guzmán | p. 44

46:26 | Coda: Faith-Adjacent Spaces | p. 46