Zoe & Yesenia hug facing away from camera

Chapter 4: Conversations with Artifacts

Objective: Conclude the overall account; offer narrative answer to Research Question 2 (“The Storytellling”); provide additional explanation of concentric analytic methods in the respective projects; discuss relevant forms of closure and continuing collaboration.

Preliminary Draft Completed: March 11, 2022

Rough Cut Assembled: March 18, 2022

Table of Contents:

00:00 | Cold Open: Launching the ‘Project Thingie’ | p. 74

04:59 | Act 1: Pseudonyms, Scripts, and Other Negotiations | p. 76

19:57 | Break 1: Joe Lambert | p. 83

26:40 | Act 2: Saying Goodbye to Peg | p. 86

42:59 | Break 2: Daniel Makagon and Mark Neumann | p. 93

50:42 | Coda: Closing the Story Circle(s) | p. 96