Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Bonus 4 – Yesenia's Story Objective: Share a co-created research artifact that there wasn’t room in the main narrative to discuss in more depth. Interviewee: Yesenia Interviewers: Hannah & Sam Editing & Production: Kyle Additional Music: “Curiosity” by Lee Rosevere via (CC BY 3.0)
All posts tagged Podcast
Bonus 3 – Pilot
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Bonus 3 – Pilot Objective: Share a research account from the pilot project that served as a kind of “proof of concept” of what I eventually produced in the main study and narrative. Episode premiered: February 22, 2019
Bonus 2 – Colleague Chat with James Nagle
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Bonus 2 – Colleague Chat with James Nagle Objective: Share a conversation with a religious education researcher worker in a similar area about our ideas and shared interests. Interview conducted: November 2, 2019 Interviewee: James Nagle Interviewer: Kyle Oliver Production & Editing: Kyle Oliver & Erin Wiens St.…
Bonus 1: Tapestry Guiding Principles Story
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Bonus 1 – Tapestry Guiding Principles Story Objective: Share an extended ethnographic immersion in the form of the entire recording of an important moment from the study’s field work, briefly excerpted in the main narrative. Field recording produced: October 19, 2019

Chapter 4: Conversations with Artifacts
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Ch 4 – Conversations with Artifacts Objective: Conclude the overall account; offer narrative answer to Research Question 2 (“The Storytellling”); provide additional explanation of concentric analytic methods in the respective projects; discuss relevant forms of closure and continuing collaboration. Preliminary Draft Completed: March 11, 2022 Rough Cut Assembled: March 18, 2022…

Chapter 3: Empathetic Engagement
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Chapter 3 – Empathetic Engagement Objective: Advance the overall account; provide preliminary overview of research data and methods; offer narrative answer to Research Question 3 (“The Researcher”); explore how a significant research turning point and its lingering emotional impact illustrates a theory of meaning that Digital Stories significantly leverage.…

Chapter 2: Space Is a Social Practice
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Ch 2 – Space Is a Social Practice Objective: Advance the overall account; briefly introduce Team Z; offer a narrative answer to Research Question 1 (“The Community”); set up, develop, and explore the idea of “faith-adjacent” space. Preliminary Draft Completed: July 8, 2021 Rough Cut Assembled: January 2,…

Chapter 1: No Group, Only Group Formation
Kyle Matthew Oliver · Becoming Tapestry – Ch 1 – No Group, Only Group Formation Objective: Introduce the project and research site as a whole; the purpose and approach of this account; myself as researcher, storyteller, and faith leader; some relevant social framing and theory; and two of the story’s other central characters, Hannah and…