Supplies for and products of decorating cookies

All Tapestry: First Participation Framed as Inquiry

Although I would not yet apply for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for my research for many months, and I wouldn’t start taking long-form field notes until my next engagement, I nevertheless think of my participation in this holiday party in late 2018 as the beginning of my formal ethnographic presence with Tapestry.

This event was where I began to hang out with a true eye toward understanding Tapestry and not just, as it were, familiarizing myself enough to cultivate a potential research-practice partnership. That I was attending the organization’s second consecutive full network gathering (again: full invite, albeit not full participation from all teams) added to the sense of formality, as did the fact that I recorded a voice memo with a significant observation and some associated speculation after the event concluded.

The pizza from a popular local chain, which is often present at Tapestry events, turns out to be “the best pizza” in Team Z’s story. That’s not what I first thought they meant, given the story’s lengthy description of Zoe’s excellent homemade pizza.

The party took place mainly in the gym at Stillwater Children’s Center. One or two long collapsable tables in the hallway that leads from the gym to the central lobby held the pizza, salad, and other food. Inside the gym there were round tables set up, and either on these tables or on a separate one (I don’t remember which) were beautifully composed cookie decoration kits.

I sat at a table with Reggie, (Deacon) Derek (Team R’s facilitator), Liam (Team R mentor, Hannah’s husband), and I think also Marie (Team R mentor). I decorated cookies, listened to the conversation, and engaged youth and adults when opportunities presented themselves. I remember speaking briefly with Liam, though I don’t remember about what (I think more “new to the area” stuff). Mostly I noticed—and I think largely misinterpreted—a relational dynamic that seemed to be happening at my table and elsewhere (see below). I remember recognizing Zoe from the previous gathering, though I can’t remember the context (was she at our table? a nearby table?).

I believe that, at some point, a few of the youth started playing basketball at a hoop well away from the tables, once they started to finish their cookies. I am not entirely sure I’m remembering this right. I may be confusing the memory with the 2019 holiday party, where I definitely observed a team asking for permission to go to the gym (the party was in the conference room) to play basketball.

I remember feeling a bit conflicted about how early I left. See reflections below.

Data collection

  • Field notes?: No
  • Audio recording?: Yes (voice memo)
  • Photographs?: No

Read annotated voice memo transcript.

Significant observations

Interpretive insights

Implications / reflections

Image credit: “Cookie Decorating Party” by Hey Paul Studios via Flickr (CC BY 2.0). For illustration only—not a research artifact.